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AGU Library
Thursday: 8:00 am - 9:00 pm

Quality Assurance

Library Commitment to Excellence in Service

Library staff are committed to:

Offer a Quality Welcome
  • Strictly respect public reception hours.
  • Welcome you with courtesy.
  • Make themselves available and strive to reduce waiting times.
  • Apply the obligations of neutrality and confidentiality in exchanges with users.
  • Do their best to facilitate your access to the library and its services.
  • Enforce library rules for the comfort of all.
Seek the Satisfaction of Your Expectations
  • Ensure the quality of the information resources and the proper functioning of the services offered.
  • Provide you with information adapted to meet your needs.
  • Provide you with the necessary explanations in understandable terms.
  • Assist you in your research to the best of your requests.
  • Promote your autonomy in the library.
  • Refer you to a person or organization that can provide you with information that we are not able to provide immediately.
  • Transmit information or problems to be solved.
  • Promote your autonomy in the library.
  • Improve staff skills through training and upgrading professional know-how.
Seek to Improve the Service Provided
  • The evaluation of services rendered with a view to their improvement is a practice anchored in the library. A satisfaction survey is launched annually among users.
  • The overall satisfaction level of all library users is 84%.
  • The level of satisfaction with the performance of library staff is 89%.

Our Quality Approach

At the library and LRC we consider very important the satisfaction of our users as well as their motivation to achieve a fascinating experience in their quest for information and knowledge.

With the aim of always improving our performance, our quality approach also aims:

  • The satisfaction measurement of users, faculty and administrative staff.
  • User evaluation of library staff.
  • The handling of complaints and appeals through a standardized process.
  • Meetings with academic officials
  • Direct contact with students

We therefore consider the impact of motivation and involvement of library staff on the motivation of students and other users to be very important. It is therefore essential for us to constantly monitor satisfaction as part of a quality assurance process that seeks to unite with all stakeholders in the library and the university.

Our quality approach is based on international standards and reference frames:

  • ISO 11620 Standard
  • IFLA Standards for measuring performance in Libraries
  • Libqual + Standards issued by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL)
Satisfaction Monitoring:

Quality monitoring is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the above-mentioned standards through surveys of a representative sample of users while respecting the following principles:

  • The answer to the survey questionnaire is optional.
  • Respondents can choose whether or not to mention their identity.
  • Library publishes survey results
  • The library takes the results of the survey into account in its quality assurance process.
Overall Satisfaction Scores for the Year 2021-2022:
  • The overall satisfaction level of all library users is 84%.
  • The level of satisfaction with the performance of library staff is 89%.

Measurable Key Performance Indicators

Resources, Access, Infrastructure:
  • Use of collection
  • Percentage of existing titles out of total requested titles.
  • The percentage of spending on Digital Collection.
  • The rate of help desk questions/Questions answered.
  • Remote information services.
  • User space per person.
  • Number of seats per person.
  • Number of Library Staff per person.
  • Direct access from the Library Portal.
  • Total visits to the library per year (actual and virtual).
  • User satisfaction.
  • Seat occupancy rate.
  • Digital document downloads (per person).
  • Percentage of unused collection.
  • Speed of opening the library material to access.
  • Loaning rate (per person).
  • Rate of participation in user trainings (per person).
  • Opening hours per week.
  • productivity flow.
  • Resource delivery speed.
  • Speed of opening the library material to access.
  • The efficiency of employees in the process of opening the library material to access.
  • Loaning rate of resources.
  • Shelving precision.